L.J. Keys

Category - For Writers

Creating a Personal Marketing Strategy

I began by asking myself what marketing means to me. From the various job postings I’ve applied to over the past few months, I have a good idea of what the market requires for this...

New Book!

I can’t believe it! I just CAN’T believe it! Check out the latest “Menu” addition above: Before I Sleep: Poetry, Prose, and Peculiarity Book! Interested in reviewing...

Writing Prompts for Writing Promptly

As I’m sure many of you already know: writing isn’t easy. It’s a glorious and painstaking process. I mean, think about it: the biggest obstacle between most writers and a...

Plot Structure

Watching this magical YouTube video is the first time plot structure REALLY made sense to me. Of course I knew that a story needs a plot. It needs a drive to get from Beginning to End. But...

For the Love of Editing

I love writing! I’ve loved it since I was a wee little thing. I blame my mother and the stories she read to me almost every night before bed. The first tale I vividly remember writing...