L.J. Keys

Category - For Readers

rollercoaster Woman

The Common Language Project is a phenomenal Dallas area poetry competition wherein every writer must use the same 30 words to write a poem no more than 30 lines. While it is a competition...

Creating a Personal Marketing Strategy

I began by asking myself what marketing means to me. From the various job postings I’ve applied to over the past few months, I have a good idea of what the market requires for this...

New Book!

I can’t believe it! I just CAN’T believe it! Check out the latest “Menu” addition above: Before I Sleep: Poetry, Prose, and Peculiarity Book! Interested in reviewing...

Week 4: The Night I Fell in Love

It’s the last week of November! I don’t know about you but I’m thankful. Yes, that 2020 is almost over but also for horror and for writing and for this blog and the...

Week 3: A Bedtime Poem

Week 3?! How did this happen?! Only one more week to go on this Horrah journey you’ve embarked on with me. This week, I present to you a little preview from a poetry collection...

Week 2: Knot

It’s Week 2. You’ve made it. We’ve made it. The second Saturday in April! Wait… Anywho, welcome to the second installment of Horrah Novembah! This week, we have a...

Week 1: Blood

It’s Week 1 of Horrah Novembah! Before I bestow my first delightful story upon you, I want to add a trigger warning – this story is literally called “Blood”. There...

Smoked Salmon For Life

So this meal, I mean… do you ever eat something and you just take a bite and there are. no. words. for the joy you experience? I don’t know why, I don’t know how, but this...


A short Sunday poem. Never underestimate your ability to hope. Be wary. It’ll fill your head with notions and your heart with yearning.

Arugula Salad for Life

I LOVE ARUGULA! Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, I want to admit that I got the idea for this salad online somewhere. I usually pin things and even though I often make changes...